I was assigned to an engagement this summer that had me working a lot of hours. 60-70 was the norm. I even did 97 towards the end, so that batch-processing could be delivered on time. The net effect of all that work was that I had to drop my workouts from my weekly schedule. I didn’t workout for a good six to eight weeks.
I started back to the gym when things calmed down. I was doing the 531 workout before the craziness started so I decided to pick it back up again. Unfortunately I had to backup a couple of cycles.
I just finished another cycle, and since this is the start of a new years, I thought I would post my max lifts for the four main exercises that I do: Standing military press, Deadlift, Bench press and Squat. I’m mainly doing this so that I have an easy way to measure my results this time next year.
Lift | Weight | Reps | Theoretical Max |
Military Press | 120 | 7 | 148 |
Deadlift | 265 | 10 | 353 |
Bench Press | 225 | 6 | 270 |
Squat | 200 | 12 | 280 |
About the Theoretical Max
In the ebook that describes the workout, Wendler provides a formula that can be used to calculate an estimated one-rep maximum – a guess at the most amount of weight that could be moved for one repetition:
Weight x Reps x 0.0333 + Weight = Estimated 1RM
The prescribed purpose of the formula is to provide a means to compare two lifts in order to gauge progress. Which lift is better 215 for 8 or 230 for 5. I use the formula to set rep goals.
I’ll start a new cycle tomorrow. I look forward to seeing where I am in a year.